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flu season is upon us

The leaves are falling, the air is getting more crisp and grocery stores have stocked up on candy galore. Fall is officially here, which also means that flu season is, as well. Take these simple steps to help keep you and your family safe and enjoying all that Fall has to offer!


1. Get Vaccinated

The CDC suggests that one of the best ways to prevent influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated, the earlier the better. Though the vaccine is created based off what research shows will be the most common, it will also help reduce the effects of the illness, should you catch another strain of the flu. This reduces the time you are spent away from work and further helps prevent serious complications and hospitalizations from the illness.


2. Prevent the spread of germs

*Cover your nose and mouth, should you need to sneeze or cough

*Wash your hands frequently, but especially before eating, after using the restroom and after sneezing or coughing

*Avoid exposure to others who are currently sick and limit your contact with others when you are sick

*If exhibiting symptoms of the flu, it is advisable to stay home for at least 24 hours and you should be fever free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for a full 24 hours before returning to work and venturing out into public.


For more information, including a vaccine finder, visit the CDC's website at:


Hope these tips help to keep you and those close to you safe this flu season!


Signature Safety
606 East Main Suite C4

Puyallup, WA 98371

Phone:  253-904-7244

Content copyright 2016. Signature Safety Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

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